
This Exquisite Forest: A web-based animated project

 A few months ago This Exquisite Forest was launched by Chris Milk & Aaron Koblin and the Google Data Arts Team, an online art project that lets you create collaborative animations using a web-based drawing tool (using Google Chrome).

 The project is based on the Surrealist practice known as the The Exquisite Corpse: various writers contribute a sentence each to a literary work, without any preparation or plan of how the completed work might look like.

 Substitute sentences with short animated works, and This Exquisite Forest is born. Thousands of people from all over the world have contributed to the project and created unique branching animations.

 Some trees are curated, like the Looking Up/Looking Down branch, in which the UK artist Dryden Goodwin gives his artistic instructions to create a world of contrasts. So far 135 contributions have advanced this Tate Modern-endorsed tree.

 In Rome Wasn't Built in 1 Frame,  the user kristianl gives corresponding artistic instructions of how to build the capital of the Roman Empire.

Watch the rationale behind This Exquisite Forest, and feel free to contribute and create:


this exquisite forest

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