
A Night at the Cemetery by Stelios Polychronakis

A Night at the Cemetery by Stelios Polychronakis

Greek animation director Stelios Polychronakis, who competed at 2010 Annecy festival with his stop-motion film The Village (watch it here) has a new 2D/3D film in the making, the comedy A Night at the Cemetery.

The 11-minute animation short (produced by Studio Bauhaus) tells a story of nostalgia and comic horror.

In the Mediterranean island of Crete, Maria heads to the cemetery every Friday to tend her beloved husband's grave. When the bus that picks her up breaks down, she will be forced to spend the night among the tombstones - Film Synopsis

Watch A Night at the Cemetery trailer:

The director tells Zippy Frames:

As with all my work, A Night at the Cemetery is a film that deals with the past of Greece and Crete in particular, which is the island I grew up on. It explores its legends and folklore, and how these translate into themes that are current and universal. It is a labour of love, as it was developed over a number of years, and made by a very small team of creatives with a limited budget.

It is a simple story told with bright colours and – despite its somewhat gloomy title- it carries an uplifting message for those of us who are alive and those who have departed but will always be remembered - Stelios Polychronakis

The employs a hybrid animation technique, using 3D animated characters and selected action elements over 2D painted backgrounds. Festival premiere to be announced.

Director-Writer: Stelios Polychronakis | Producer Konstantinos Vassilaros | Music by Yiannis Psaroudakis (OKTAVA) | Sound Design by Stelios Koupetoris | Lead Animator: Konstantinos Amvrosiadis | Character & Background Design by Stelios Polychronakis | 3D Modelling & Texturing: Vassilis Souras | Rendering by Andreas Helmis

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