
11th Anifest, Teplice: starts today

anifest11The annual animation festival in Teplice boasts this year a series of events devoted to stop-motion and puppets.

A centerary tribute of the Czech puppet master Jiří Trnka Jiří Trnka has been scheduled, and the Oscar-nominated British Barry Purves (honorary president of AniFest) will present his work.

The French Michel Ocelot (director of Kirikou) will be at Teplice at the premiere of his newest silhouette film Contes de la nuit (Tales of the night). Ocelot will discuss with the renown animation historian Gianalberto Bendazzi on the 27/4 premiere.

Feature films include the Oscar-nominated A cat in Paris [review, 26/4), the latest César-nominated feature by the French master Jean-François Laguionie Le Tableau  (29/4), and the magnum opus of the Hungarian Marcell Jankovics, The Tragedy of Man.

An Estonian retrospective is also at schedule -Priit Pärn,Ülo Pikov, Kaspar Jancis are some of the names honored.

 The competitive programme (short films) features films such as Damien Nenow's Paths of Hate, Bill Plympton (TMZ, Summer Bummer) and the Oscar-nominated A morning stroll (Grant Orchard, Studio AKA)

Watch the offiicial AniFest 2012 trailer, and visit the offiicial festival page to see thefull online programme and catalogue:



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