Under The Radar Vienna Symposium, 24-28/5/18

Film Artists and ASIFA Austria organize the Under the Radar symposium (24-28/5/18) with an emphasis on the intersection of animation, experimental media, art, exploratory filmmaking and digital culture.
This event is combining the inspiring opportunities of an academic conference with the possibilities of a film festival. Since 2011 we are transcending conceptual boundaries to connect international and local artists, scholars, communicators, and distributors. Embracing fine-arts and creative enterprises we like to call this converging function a “confluence.”
In 2018, organizers are surveying and discussing “The Narrative Challenge” from multiple angles.
- When you think about a mediated experience, an audio-visual project, animation, art or film production,the question of “the story” is an essential element during development, completion, and promotion of your venture.
- Where does a narrative begin, where does it end and is there something like the non-narrative?
- Can we communicate without packaging abstract ideas into concrete tales?
- How do we construct our stories, how do stories construct themselves?
- What role does “The Narrative” really play in our interaction?
Full Presenters' Lineup:
- Tomm Moore, The 20 year history of Cartoon Saloon - and how we developed projects from a small country for a global audience.
Saturday 26.5., 14:00 @ MuseumsQuartier - Raum D/quartier21 - Olivier Cotte, Narrative times and spaces in Peter Tscherkassky's films @ MuseumsQuartier - Raum D/quartier21
- Olga Bobrowska, Follow the Demon Monkey. Reading Havoc in Heaven (1961-64, dir. Wan Laiming) through Rick Altman's Theory of Narrative / @ MuseumsQuartier - Raum D/quartier21
- József Fülöp, Create a world - find a story - or something else? @ MuseumsQuartier - Raum D/quartier21
- Xenorama, Overview of the history and status of sites-specific narrations through the technology of Projection Mapping. / @ MuseumsQuartier - Raum D/quartier21
- Thomas Meyer-Hermann, The nearly 30 year history of Studio FILM BILDER - or how we managed to create a vehicle driven by art and commerce @ MuseumsQuartier - Raum D/quartier21
- Martina Fröschl, Narration in Scientific Visualizations of the Science Visualization Lab Angewandte / @ MuseumsQuartier - Raum D/quartier21
- Alexis Hunot , Still a fight! / @ MuseumsQuartier - Raum D/quartier21
- Ana Carolina Estarita Guerrero, The phenomenological experience of Post-Newtonian physics through experimental animation / @ MuseumsQuartier - Raum D/quartier21
- Nikita Diakur, Ugly Aesthetics & Dynamic Animation @ MuseumsQuartier - Raum D/quartier21
- Zeynep Akcay, Animation, Ludonarrative Dissonance and Narrative Immersion: A Case Study of Anytown: Garage Sale Monsters / @ MuseumsQuartier - Raum D/quartier21
- Benjamin Swiczinsky, Animating in Austria / @ MuseumsQuartier - Raum D/quartier21
- Chunning (Maggie) Guo , The Story of First Person: Recovering Autobiographical Memory through Animated Documentary Ketchup / @ MuseumsQuartier - Raum D/quartier21
- Nora El Bekri / TVPaint – Introduction & Demonstration, Saturday 26.5., 11:15 /@ MuseumsQuartier - Raum D/quartier21
The 8th international Vienna symposium Under the Radar Symposium takes place 24-28 May 2018.