Animanima Festival 2022: Programme Highlights

Animanima Festival 2022

The Serbian animation festival Animanima continues in its 16th edition, offering a niche programme of both competition and accompanying film programmes and events. In the words of its artistic director, Milen Alempijevic:

A decade and a half after the opening edition of the festival, when Animanima was launched in the fashion of an imaginary ship on her voyage across the ocean of miracles commonly known as animation, pursuing the original intent (and the motto ‘New inspiration. New experience.’) to take its audiences on a journey otherwise unknown to any travel guide anywhere in the world, here we are before the 16th edition of the festival - Milen Alempijevic

Thirty-two films from fifteen countries were selected for the competition program, which will be evaluated by a jury of great animators: Velislava Gospodinova (Bulgaria), Kolja Saksida (Slovenia), and Magda Guidi (Italy).

Garbage Man by Laura Gonçalves, in Animanima Competition

The collection titled Independent Korean Animation including films by eight contemporary authors is the first such presentation in our country of unbelievably exciting animated cinematography and therefore a true novelty in the festival programme.

Salvia at Nine by Nari Jang

As for the animated works from the permanent collection of the Canadian STASH video portal, the TV commercials, branded content and music videos – have become a staple feature of the festival programme. Our research into the wealth of the available materials has taken us to the topic which sheds a different light onto apparently mundane objects (the animated world is surely a perfect place to turn things upside down, isn’t it?): “Love, friendship & other Mishaps”.

The Best of WTF special is coming to us from the Annecy Festival, as a real treat for all those viewers with a taste for twisted humor and bizarre narrative solutions.

The Animanima DOCS is slowly but surely becoming an essential component of the festival programme, and the six titles selected for this year’s programme are no doubt a testimony of the resilience and the effective synergy of documentaries and animation.

Once There Was A Sea by Joanna Kozuch (Animanima DOCS)

In the festival workshops the junior participants will get a chance to play their first film ‘roles’ in the voice-sync workshop, whereas the senior youths aspiring to become tutors of some future disciples, will meet with experienced mentors to learn about techniques and pedagogical aspects of animated film.

Watch the festival 2022 trailer

The 16th edition of Animanima Festival takes place 2-5 November 2022, in Čačak, Serbia. The festival is traditionally held under the auspices of the City of Čačak and the Ministry of Culture and Information of the Republic of Serbia, and is organized by the city Cultural Center in Čačak.

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