Harvard and other nice things

Ruth Lingford, director of Harvard undergraduate studies and an animator herself, assembled an array of films, both classic and new.

Among those presented were the exquisite Sand, or Peter and the Wolf by Catherine Leaf (1969), an animation made with sand. The cut-out technique and the image collage of Frank Film by Frank Mouris (1973) was so noticeable because of its overlayed dialogue as well.

Mobius Life (Sami Majadla) was a contemporary standout.

The grand competitive section has been varied so far.  Laterarius by the Swiss Marina Rosset is a beautiful story of a wife virtually abandonded, the Croatian Beast in the House (Neven Petričić)  plays cleverly with old prejudices, and the futuristic The Gloaming by Nobrain (France) reminds of the Fantastic Planet by René Laloux.

The no-more-suffering Vicenta by SAM was also included in the competitive program, and Swimming Pool by Alexandra Hetmerova (Hungary) matches Johann Strauss, a pool and a mention to diversity.

The 6th Animfest, Athens gives its awards on Wednesday, 23rd

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