SUMMA 3D Contest: Call for entries

summa3dSumma3D was born in 2014 with the aim to encourage, support and reward new talent, promoting projects in the animation, architecture infographics, and computer graphics market.

Under the slogan "if you can dream it you can do it", the contest is based on five categories: “3D Short-Film Project”, “Finished short-film in 2016”, “Character Design”, “Best 3D architecture infographics” and “Public prize to “The best short-film of 3D animation”.

The Summa3D contest jury will be formed by a group of national and international professionals of recognized prestige in the 3D animation sector and by a representative of the sponsoring companies.


Throughout 2017, the organization plans to hold different events related 3D animation. Specifically, is planned in April a panel discussion on architecture and another in June on animation in general. On September 22, the day viewing of selected short films and exhibition of the finalists of "character design" and "short film project" will be held.

The awards ceremony will take place on September 23 in Madrid


3D Short-Film Project
Category addressed to producers, directors and scriptwriters who are immersed in the creation of an animation short film, which has not yet been completed but has such a development that can be evaluated at the project level both in the artistic field , as organizational and economic.
Character Design
Category addressed to those artists who feel capable of designing a 2D and 3D animation character that may be the protagonist of future adventures. The deadline for delivery will be closed along with all other categories.  
Finished Short-Film in 2016
Category addressed to those producers, directors and scriptwriters who have finished an animation short-film throughout 2016, which will be evaluated at the project level both in the artistic field, as organizational and economic.
Best 3D Architecture Infographic
Category addressed to those students and professionals in 3D infographic architectural projects, which will be evaluated in both artistic and technical fields.
Public Prize to “The Best 3D Animation Short-Film
Category addressed to those participants in the “Finished Short-Film in 2016” category, whose works will be evaluated by the attending public to the viewing session of all shorts selected through the SUMMA3D APP.



Read the full terms and conditions (and award prizes).


Deadline for submission of all material: 31 August 2017.


 For more information about Summa3D and contest participation conditions, visit


See the 2016 recipients (in Spanish):



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