ReAnimania Launches ReUnion Platform for Young Animators

ReAnimania Launches ReUnion Platform for Young Animators

A great opportunity for all young animators from the regional countries, Caucuses, East Europe, Europe, Asia, Russia, West, East, Far East, America and all around the world are welcome to Armenia at ReAnimania Int. Animation Film & Comics Art Festival of Yerevan to unite under one roof and create, create, create!!!

ReUnion Platform
On the 10th Anniversary of ReAnimania International Animation Films and Comics Art Festival of Yerevan, launches a longtime idea and project; a new platform for animators from the regional countries, called “ReUnion.” ReUnion is a platform for 24 young future professionals from around the world, to unite with new people of their professional field in ARMENIA.

This one-of-a-kind platform creates the opportunity not only to meet new people and get strong and valuable contacts but also discuss, learn, work and exchange their ideas, their passion and knowledge in Animation filmmaking. ReUnion is the platform where people who share the passion of animation meet and gain new skillset and knowledge for later cooperation in the future, to become future co-directors, co-film makers, co-animaters, in one word, to share their dreams and futures.

Who are eligible to participate?
• Animators (all animation techniques)
• Storyboard artists
• Concept artists
• Character designers
• Comics artists
• Background designers

Age eligibility
• All students and young professionals from the regional countries, Caucuses, East Europe, Europe, Asia, Russia, West, East, Far East, America and all around the world, are welcome to ReUnion platform.
• 19- 35 years old (Edited)

Terms and Conditions
• Students must submit a Character reference letter from the university.
• The participant MUST participate in chosen workshops and all screenings.

ReAnimania covers the following expenses:
• Six-night accommodation
• Airport meet and greet
• Transportation
• One meal per day
• Free pass-badge to all screenings, workshops and other events during the festival.

The participant should cover his/her travel expenses to Armenia. Participant countries: Regional and out of borders.

Deadline to apply:  October 10, 2018 (spaces are  limited) . I nterested candidates should send their CVs and Portfolios to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
writing “ReUnion Platform” in the subject field.

More info: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The 10th ReAnimania International Animation Films and Comics Art Festival of Yerevan takes place 28 October - 3 November 2018.

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