
ASIFA-Hollywood & AEF Faculty Grants applications 2018

ASIFA-Hollywood & AEF Faculty Grants applications 2018

ASIFA-Hollywood and the Animation Educators Forum (AEF) they are now accepting applications for the 2018 Faculty Grant program.

The Faculty Grant program is designed to provide support for individuals or groups with reasonable expenditures associated with research, scholarly activity or creative projects in the field of animation.

Applications must be submitted online at before Friday, March 2, 2018 at 11:59 p.m. PST. Recipients will be announced before April 9, 2018.

Last year we were able to fund a travel grant to a medical illustration conference and a grant for a stop-motion short animated film - both very worthy projects to help animation educators further their research and creative/scholarly work. We have doubled the budget for AEF Faculty Grants for 2018 to $10,000 and are excited to see some great proposals from animation educators worldwide - Aubry Mintz, animation educators’ steering committee for ASIFA-Hollywood.

All ASIFA-Hollywood’s Animation Educators Forum members are eligible for Faculty Grants. To become an AEF member (no cost involved), send an email with your resume or bio as proof of your full time or adjunct faculty status to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Expenditures must occur for the year running from 2018 to 2019. Awards will range from US $1,000 to a maximum of US $10,000 per recipient.

ASIFA-Hollywood, the largest chapter of the international organization ASIFA, supports a range of animation activities and preservation efforts through its membership. Current initiatives include the Animation Archive, Animation Aid Foundation, Animation Educators Forum, animated film preservation, special events, scholarships and screenings.

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