
Research Unit in Experimental Animation Society Journal: Call for papers

Research Unit in Experimental Animation Society Journal: Call for papers

The Research Unit in Experimental Animation Society (RUEAS) is a new,  scholarly peer-reviewed publication created to provide a platform for undergraduate and master’s level research and scholarship in the field of experimental animation, a mode of fine art.

The History of RUEAS starts from Emerson College affiliate scholar and experimental artist Dr. Janeann Dill,  who founded the Institute for Interdisciplinary Art and Creative Intelligence (2007-2017), a platform for creative intelligence to students and practicing artist-scholars for decades. RUEAS is an outgrowth of the IIACI Intelligence, and aims to promote innovative thinking, creativity and authorship that provides a platform for expanding research and scholarship in experimental animation,

For its inaugural issue, RUEAS invites  undergraduate and graduate level students to submit 15-30 page papers. Submissions may cover a plethora of topics in Experimental Animation Studies. The Journal encourage students to expand their horizons of thinking about this mode of art through extensive research and to engage in what at times might seem to be nascent research.

Experimental Animation is rooted in art history.  It privileges the art of timing, rhythm, and pacing above-all-else. Experimental animation is conceptually and philosophically a mode of fine art that is research-based and driven by experimentation, exploration, and personal expression as the means to itself.  Experimental animation points to nothing outside its own thought and manifestation, first and foremost  -Janeann Dill, 2017 “Philosophy of Experimental Animation: Drawing the Art Historical Line.” Keynote Address, Society for Animation Studies Conference.  University of Padua, Padua, Italy.

Linguistically, the word “experiment” is rooted in the Latin word experimentum, meaning a “trial” or “test” defined as discovery through experience. The Old French term esperment means “practical knowledge;” also, esperer means “to hope for.” The word “animation” is derived from the Latin root animationem, the “action of imparting life.” For the purpose of submissions to The Research Unit, topics for research should showcase a process of discovery through the experience of critical writing.

Suggested topics (not exclusive):

  • The discipline of experimental animation studies in praxis and its relationship to concept, research and bibliography for its various forms:  Visual Music, Installation, Projection, Dome, Performance, Direct Experimental Animation: Painting on film and Painting on glass, Sand, Collage, Silhouette, Puppetry, Claymation, Virtuality and the Digital Arts.
  • Auteur Animation in relationship to Experimental Animation
  • Animated Documentary in relationship to Experimental Animation
  • Interdisciplinarity in Experimental Animation
  • Contemporary Art History and the Fine Art of Experimental Animation
  • Abstraction In Experimental Animation
  • Diversity in Experimental Animation
  • Gender Studies and Identity in Experimental Animation
  • Children’s Experimental Animation and Educational Media
  • Pedagogical Philosophies and Critical Methodologies in Experimental Animation

There is a distinction between a paper that analyzes the conventions and innovations in an experimental animation versus a paper that simply praises or criticizes it, for this reason, film reviews and synopses are not accepted. The Research Unit does consider historical papers and critiques of screenings, as long as the writing is based in research and criticality.

Important Dates:

  • Opening Call for Papers: November 19, 2017
  • Deadline for Submission of Papers: February 20, 2018. Submissions close at 11:59 P.M EST
  • Publication of Inaugural Issue: April 2018

The journal accepts submissions twice a year.

Editorial Board

Editor in Chief: Dr. Janeann Dill
Associate Editor: Melissa Ferrari
Assistant Editor: Judith Alba

Call for interns:
The Research Unit is seeking a new Production Assistance Intern to join the team. Duties include writing e-blasts, maintaining our social media pages, and helping to monitor and streamline the publication pipeline. You will be working directly with the Editor-in-Chief and Associate Editor in a close-knit, professional setting. We are based in Boston, Massachusetts and remotely in Los Angeles.

The Production Assistance Intern may also work remotely if needed, so we encourage undergraduate and graduate students to apply by email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Simply email us and tell us about yourself and why you want to be an active part of the publishing team. This is a great experiential opportunity for students (Junior/Senior undergrad and/or an M.A. or M.F.A. grad student) who are looking to gain internship experience in publishing, academia, writing, copy editing, and/or graphics, journal/book online design, social media. If you are interested in applying for an Internship, please write a cover letter telling us about yourself and why you want to intern at The Research Unit.

Attach a resume and email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Subject Line: Internship Opportunity 


The Research Unit in Experimental Animation Society is a peer-reviewed academic journal that focuses on research in Experimental Animation, a field of study that is nearly invisible to fine art and cinema scholarship. It is one of the few academic journals in the cinematic arts that publishes undergraduate and master’s level work.  Our mission fills the void of critical research in this subject, and supports the understanding that the art of experimental animation is an art history.  The two fields of study are intrinsically connected.  Our publication serves as a platform for undergraduate students and master’s level students to expand their knowledge of research in experimental animation, and to provide additional resources for those who want to research, write about, and serve on such forums of discourse as scholarly, conference, and festival panels on behalf of experimental animation. We aim to foster an international community of experimental animation artists and future scholars who study experimental animation through the lens of fine art.

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