Rabbi's cat (Le Chat du Rabbin) wins the César

Le Chat du Rabbin (Joann Sfar, Antoine Delesvaux) diirected by the director of Gainsbourg, is set in 1920, and tells the story of Rabbi Sfar, his beautiful teenage daughter and his parrot-killing cat that has just started talking. 

It is based on Joann Sfar's popular French comics with the same name, and it was awarded the top prize last June at the prestigious animation festival of  Annecy.

Rabbi's cat competed against the feature-length film Le tableau (The painting) by Jean-François Laguionie, the belle-epoque film A monster in Paris (Bibo Bergeron) and the short films Le Cirque (Nicolas Braault) and La queue de la souris (Benjamin Renner).

  • "LE CHAT DU RABBIN" Joann Sfar, Antoine Delesvaux
  • "LE CIRQUE" Nicolas Brault
  • "LA QUEUE DE LA SOURIS" Benjamin Renner
  • "LE TABLEAU" Jean-François Laguionie
  • "UN MONSTRE À PARIS" Bibo Bergeron

Watch the trailer for Le Chat du Rabbin:


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