U.S. finalists for Student Academy Awards 2012: animation

"Chocolate Milk," Eliza Kinkz, University of California, Los Angeles

"Cowboy, Clone, Dust," Matthew Christensen, New York University
"Eyrie," David Wolter, California Institute of the Arts

"The Jockstrap Raiders," Mark Nelson, University of California, Los Angeles
"La Lune et le Coq," Raymond McCarthy Bergeron, Rochester Institute of Technology
"Lizard and the Ladder," Aaron Bristow, Utah Valley University

"My Little Friend," Eric Prah, Ringling College of Art and Design
"Reviving Redwood," Matt Sullivan, Ringling College of Art and Design
"Shinobi Blues," Yue Liu, School of Visual Arts

In addition, animated films in the Alternative film category are

"SiSiSiSiSiSiSiSiSiSiSi," Juan Camilo González, University of Southern California
"The Reality Clock," Amanda Tasse, University of Southern California

Academy members will view the finalists’ films at special screenings and vote to select the winners. Gold, Silver and Bronze Medal awards, along with accompanying cash grants of $5,000, $3,000 and $2,000 respectively.

The award ceremony takes place on  on Saturday, June 9, at 6 p.m. at the Academy’s Samuel Goldwyn Theater in Beverly Hills.


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