
Børge Ring Retrospective at EYE Film Institute, 6/3

Børge Ring Retrospective at EYE Film Institute, 6/3

The 94-year-old Danish cartoonist Børge Ring is considered "the Rembrandt among the animators. On the occasion of the publication of his autobiography and the edition of a publication with his artwork, a number of his film will be screened at EYE Film Institute.

Børge Ring (1921) lives since 1988 in the Netherlands, with his wife Joanika. The Danish animator, cartoonist and jazz musician won in his long career, a number of prestigious awards in his long career,  including an Oscar for the short animated film Anna & Bella (1984) and the Winsor McCay Award (2011) for his entire oeuvre as an animator.

Since 1949, Ring has contributed to more than thirty animated films, including quite a few titles from the Marten Toonder Studios, the smurfs movie La flute aux six schtroumpfs and the Asterix and Obelix-cartoons. His "matchless life Børge Ring wrote an autobiography in 2014.


The bilingual book (English and Dutch) appears this month. A beautifully maintained edition of reproductions of Ring's artwork, compiled by Jan-Willem de Vries, will also be part of the tribute.

De Vries published previously published a reference work on the animated films of Toonder Studios.

The program includes animations of the Marten Toonder Studios - including commissioned film Hugo to Trapeze (1953) and Golden lure (1958) - and three animated films Ring directed himself, Anna & Bella (1984), Run of the Mill (1999 ) and Oh My Darling (1978), which won the Jury Prize at the Cannes Film Festival (best short film).

The presentation will be held by Jan-Willem de Vries.

 Three producers of Ring films are guests for a Q&A: Cilia van Dijk (Anna & Bella), Nico Crama (Oh My Darling) and Willem Thijssen (Run of the Mill). Τhe retrospective takes place at the EYE Film Institute on 6 March 2015, 16:30 .


Run of the Mill

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