
Chile Imaginario: Animated Documentary by Claudio Diaz

The short film follows nine testimonies of young people (born between the 1973 Pinochet Military Coup and 2010 Chile's Bicentenary), who answer spontaneously to questions concerning that period, in a spontaneous and profound dialogue.

 Depending on their answers, they'll evoke the visual contexts of each period. Animated cycles of children, young and old people co-existas they embark on an imaginary voyage, from an individual past to a collective present of the Chile country.

 The film is ambitious in its coverage, but at the same time its lyrical images are suggestive enough. Watch the trailer:

Claudio Diaz has worked with political themes before. His Coup Mirror (Golpe de Espejo) screened at Animafest, Zagreb and Ottawa Animation Festival.



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