
Gems of Hungarian Animation Online

Gems of Hungarian Animation Online

25 films per year was the annual digitization slate (in 4k) of the Hungarian Film Archive, in co-operation with the Hungarian Film Lab and the involvement of the Hungarian Society of Cinematographers (HSC).

For 2018, 100 films by 54 live-action and animation directors were added to the registry,  and uploaded on the official FilmArchive Vimeo account. 

What follows is a selection of the films being restored and presented (with English subtitles). Please note: the following films are available up to 4 January 2019.

Foam Bath (Bubble Buth)  by György Kovásznai (Habfürdő, 1979)

Panni Parádi is preparing for her fifth entrance examination to the Medical University when a complete stranger appears in her flat in Városmajor. The man, asks her to phone his fiancée, who is in the middle of their wedding preparations, and tell her that he has changed his mind and the wedding is cancelled. After this, things get out of control…

John the Valiant (a.k.a. Johnny Corncob), directed by Marcell Jankovics (János vitéz, 1973)

The very first full length animation to be completed in Hungary, the film was commissioned by the government for the 150th anniversary of national poet Sándor Petőfi’s birthday, and based on his epic poem of the same title. It was premiered on May 1, 1973. The production took 22 months, that is, almost 2 years. The story follows the great adventures of titular János, a shepherd, who leaves his village to become a hussar and in quest for his beloved Iluska. Visually it bears strong stylistic affinities with the Art Nouveau, pop art, and the decorative Hungarian folk art. Both the hallucinogenically colorful visual design and the psychedelic road movie-like narrative of the film is highly reminiscent of the cult film of the hippie era, Yellow Submarine from 1968.

The Joy of Light, directed by György Kovásznai (A fény öröme, 1965)

Some fascinating paintings, photoes and animated pictures tell about the pleasure which a miner may feel when coming up to the light after the dangers in a mine.

I Like Life A Lot, directed by Kati Macskássy  (Nekem az élet teccik nagyon, 1976)

The drawings of this film were made by ROMA children at a school in a small town. Interviews, drawing and paintings tell as about their lives and experiences.

Two Peppercorn Steers, directed by Gyula Macskássy  (Két bors ökröcske, 1954)

The Clever Girl, directed by Gyula Macskássy  (Okos lány, 1955)

Defend Yourself, Little Man, directed by Attila Dargay  (Ne hagyd magad, emberke!, 1959)


Variations on a Dragon, directed by Attila Dargay  (Variációk egy sárkányra, 1967)

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