
Most Read: Our Top10 Articles for 2018

Most Read: Our Top10 Articles for 2018

We gathered (for the first time) the top  choices Zippy Frames readers made during 2018; although it is only one small measurement of what went viral in the European and Independent animation world during 2018, it still acts as a reminder and a re-discovery of issues and topics addressed.


From Colombia to Serbia: the HIERROanimación interview (taken by Sofia Papatsimpa) and the 2D film in production Floating by Jelena Milunovic share our most read interview articles of 2018. Hear what they have to say:


In Our SHORTS section (now renamed as SHORTS CORNER), two wholly different shorts, but both spirited and distinct, got our top2018 positions.

How Are You Today?

The big festival issue of 2018 was the cancellation of Holland Animation Film Festival. Zippy Frames reported it first:

The Lifetime Achievement Award given to US independent animator and director Paul Fierlinger from Zagreb festival (June 2018) also attracted the readers' attention.

One of the best animated films of the year found its audience also at Zippy Frames. Furthermore, a report and review of 2017 Chinese animation by Olga Bobrowska proved to be a sleeper hit among readers.

This Magnificent Cake!

Stefanie Van de Peer (University of Glasgow) and her collaborators won the 2018 Best Edited Collection Winner for the book Animation in the Middle East: Practice and Aesthetics From Baghdad to Casablanca, IB Tauris.  The book uncovers the richness of Middle East animation that films like Persepolis and Waltz with Bashir only hinted at. Here's the info:

It was not so much the win of Pixar's Coco (rather expected) at the 2018 Oscars, but the winning entry of Dear Basketball, penned by Glen Keane and... Cobe Bryant. The Academy Award statuette reserved to the latter fueled reactions, and led to our most read article of 2018:

If you wish for more, here's our Top 11-20, in alphabetical order:

Kara by Sinem Sakaoglu

Have a great animated 2019!


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