Croatian Zoetropes: Animated Souvenirs for Happy People

Croatian Zoetropes animated cylinder

Luma Film is an animation production house in Zagreb, responsible for (among others) Ana Horvat's 'Razgovor / Conversation', and 'Gamer Girl' by Irena Jukić Pranjić

Their latest animation adventure comes from the ever-enriched  (and very old) world of zoetropes, the animated cylinders that have been called the precursors of modern animated film.

'Croatian Zoetrope' is a cardboard cylinder with vertical slots on the upper side. Paper strips with drawings are inserted inside. You rotate the zoetrope with your hand, so it starts to spin around its axis. Using light  and environmental-friendly material, it recreates some of the magic we associate with animation (especially for children of all ages).

The animation looks slightly different depending on the speed of spinning

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