Signe Baumane Gets NYWIFT Grant for My Love Affair with Marriage

Signe Baumane Gets NYWIFT Grant for My Love Affair with Marriage

The second animation feature by Latvian-American Signe Baumane, My Love Affair with Marriage,  has now secured a grant of $2,500 from the New York Women in Film and Television organization.

The 95-minute-My Love Affair with Marriage aims to examine the biological chemistry of love and gender, as well as the societal pressures on an individual to conform to social mores.

This animated feature film delivers a punchy tale of love, gender and marriage. Zelma, a fiery young woman with wild imagination, journeys through many marriages, some real, some imaginary, while confronting societal pressures and her own biology. It is  personal story of Love, Gender and Marriage infused with songs of Mythology Sirens as well as the Neuroscience of falling in and out of love -Film Synopsis

New York Women in Film & Television (NYWIFT) advocates for equality in the moving image industry, and has a number of resources, such as The Ravenal Foundation Feature Film Grrant to support women filmmakers. Signe Baumane was one of the recipients of the above grant, from a range of US submissions.

Women directors have stormed the industry’s ramparts in the last few years, so while barriers to women working at full capacity and pay still exist, they’re falling fast. But for women over 40, there’s an additional obstacle: ageism. We hope this grant begins to address that inequity and encourages all women directors to forge ahead - filmmaker Cornelia Ravenal, who initiated the grant.

This is the sixth year the NYWIFT Ravenal Foundation Grant has been presented. My Love Affair with Marriage was presented at Annecy Festival 2020 as a work-in-progress, with an expected release in 2021.

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