Animocje Festival: Selection Results 2021

Animocje Festival: Selection Results 2021

This year's edition of Animocje  International Animated Film Festival (18-24 April 2021, Bydgoszcz, Poland), which cares for an animated cinema that is ambitious and searches for its own artistic expression forms. The festival received nearly 700 films from 6 continents and almost 70 countries.

Most of the animation submissions were Polish productions (119 submissions), festival director Weronika Płaczek tells Zippy Frames, with France in the second place; yet the list of countries submitted includes Dominican Republic, Egypt, Mexico and many more.

90 animated films were selected for the festival's competitions.

The films touch on a variety of topics, stimulate the imagination and arouse a whole spectrum of emotions. So we are dealing with an interesting review of animated genre cinema - Weronika Płaczek, Animocje Festival Director

The Jury of the International Competition consists of Waltraud Grausgruber, Kropka (aka J.S. Álvarez), Adriana Prodeus, Ola Szmida and Marcin Szpak, who will choose the Grand Prix and Best Polish Film from among 34 films. An additional prize will be awarded by the Junior Jury composed of students from Bydgoszcz schools. The ninth juror of the International Competition will be the audience.

The list of films includes well-known gems, such as Purpleboy by Alexandre Siqueira or Nod. Wink. Horse by Oliver Magee and Uncle Thomas: Accounting for the Days by Regina Pessoa

The full lineup:

International Competition

  • Ciervo, Pilar Garcia-Fernandezsesma, USA, 2020, 10’15’’
  • L'infinito / The Infinite, Simone Massi, Włochy / Italy, 2020, 2’
  • Pračka / Washing Machine, Alexandra Májová, Czechy / Czech Republic, 2020, 5’02’’
  • Portret Kobiecy / Portrait of a woman, Natalia Durszewicz, Polska / Poland, 2020, 4’50’’
  • Farse / Farce, Robin Jensen, Norwegia / Norway, 2019, 10’54’’
  • Purpleboy, Alexandre Siqueira, Portugalia, Francja, Belgia / Portugal, France, Belgium, 2019, 13’55’’
  • SŁUCHAJ / NOW LISTEN, Kijek / Adamski, Polska / Poland, 2020, 3'50''
  • SH_T Happens, Michaela Mihalyi & David Stumpf, Czechy, Słowacja, Francja / Czech Republic, Slovakia, France, 2019, 13’10’’
  • PUSTOLOVINE GLORIJE SCOTT - Umorstvo u katedrali / THE ADVENTURES OF GLORIA SCOTT - Murder in the Cathedral, Matija Pisacic, Chorwacja, Serbia / Croatia, Serbia, 2020 15'39''
  • Ecorce / Peel, Samuel Patthey & Silvain Monney, Szwajcaria / Switzerland, 2020, 15’03’
  • Chado, Dominica Harrison, Wielka Brytania / United Kingdom, 2020, 7’24’’
  • Jestem tutaj / I'm here, Julia Orlik, Polska / Poland, 2020, 15’
  • Any Instant Whatever, Michelle Brand, Wielka Brytania / United Kingdom, 2019, 5’13’’
  • Schast'e / Happiness, Andrey Zhidkov, Rosja / Russia, 2020, 5’
  • Toonekurg / The Stork, Lucija Mrzljak & Morten Tšinakov, Estonia, 2020, 15’51’’
  • The Bike, Diana Gong, USA, 2020, 1’
  • Tio Tomás, A Contabilidade Dos Dias / Uncle Thomas, Accounting For The Days, Regina Pessoa, Portugalia, Kanada, Francja / Portugal, Canada, France, 2020, 13’03’’
  • The Expected, Carolina Sandvik, Szwecja / Sweden, 2020, 14’30’’
  • Cockpera, Kata Gugic, Chorwacja / Croatia, 2020, 4’27’’
  • Angry Dogs, Shaun Clark, Wielka Brytania / United Kingdom, 2020, 4’30’’
  • 夜車 / Night Bus, Joe Hsieh, Taiwan 2020, 20’
  • Patologiczna Krawcowa – zły dzień / Pathological Seamstress – bad day, Agata Szwarc, Polska / Poland, 2020, 1’
  • Rozwiązanie / Reason, Szymon Ruczyński, Polska / Poland, 2020, 7’56’’
  • Lethe, Wojciech Siejak, Polska / Poland, 2020, 1’09’’
  • Pile, Toberg (Toby Auberg), Wielka Brytania / United Kingdom, 2019, 3’23’
  • Carrousel, Jasmine Elsen, Belgia, Czechy / Belgium, Czech Republic, 2020, 10’14’’
  • Polka-dot boy, Sarina Nihei, Francja / France, 2020, 7’39’’
  • The Song Of A Lost Boy, Daniel Quirke, Wielka Brytania / United Kingdom, 2020, 9’56’’
  • Pięć Minut Starsza / Five Minutes Older, Sara Szymańska, Polska / Poland, 2020, 5’57’’
  • Brązowy i Niebieski / Brown and Blue (Pablopavo i Ludziki), Marcin Podolec, Polska / Poland, 2019, 4’
  • Uzi / Ties, Dina Velikovskaya, Niemcy, Rosja / Germany, Russia, 2019, 7’17’’
  • Suspensão / Poise, Luís Soares, Portugalia / Portugal, 2020, 7’20’’
  • Nod. Wink. Horse., Oliver Magee, Wielka Brytania / United Kingdom, 2020, 4’42’’

Chado, Nica Harrison

Films for children competition
From among 26 films for children and teenagers, which have been divided into three age groups (3+, 7+ and 10+), young viewers will choose the best animation by voting.

Preschool, 3+

  • Rodzina Treflików – Majster klepka" / The Treflik Family – Handyman, Marek Skrobecki, Polska / Poland, 2020, 8’30”
  • Wielka Księga Uczuć – Tęsknota / The Great Book of Feelings – Longing, Wiola Sowa, Polska / Poland, 2020, 7’
  • Bolshoy y malenky / Big and Small, Natalia Grofpel, Rosja / Russia, 2020, 6’
  • Lew / Lion, Magdalena Pilecka, Polska / Poland, 2020, 2’35”
  • Nie taki krokodyl straszny / Not So Scary a Crocodile, Grzegorz Koncewicz, Polska / Poland, 2020, 10’30”
  • Agatka i liście / Aggie and the Leaves, Andrzej Piotr Morawski, Polska / Poland, 2019, 10’
  • Opowiadania z piaskownicy: Zęby / Sandbox Stories: Teeth, Robert Turło, Polska / Poland, 2021, 5’
  • Méga méga méga méga fête / Mega Mega Mega Mega Party, Collectif 14 Enfants, Belgia / Belgium, 2020, 4’19”

The Treflik Family – Handyman, Marek Skrobecki,

Grade I-III, 7+

  • Migrants, Hugo Caby, Antoine Dupriez, Aubin Kubiak, Lucas Lermytte, Zoé Devise, Francja / France, 2020, 8’17”
  • Privet, Babulnik! / Merry grandmas!, Natalia Mirzoyan, Rosja / Russia, 2020, 8’
  • Puskás Öcsi és Barátai - A Rongy-labda / Öcsi Puskás and Friends - The Rag-ball, Csaba Gellár, Węgry / Hungary, 2019, 7’16”
  • Comment j’ai vaincu ma peur des humains / How I Overcame My Fear of Humans, Helene Ducrocq, Francja / France, 2020, 9’
  • Praktyczny Pan / Mr Practical, Michał Poniedzielski, Dominik Litwiniak, Polska / Poland, 2020, 10'
  • MITCH-MATCH series #22, Géza M. Tóth, Węgry / Hungary, 2020, 2’12”
  • Volk Naoborot / The Other Way Wolf, Ira Elshansky, Rosja / Russia, 2020, 11’04”
  • Myci Sluzba / The Dish Washer, Katerina Karhankova, Czechy / Czech Republic, 2019, 7’

    Grade IV-VI, 10+
  • Akordeon Dziadka Remka / Grandpa Remek’s Accordion, Daria Kopiec, Polska / Poland, 2019, 2’44”
  • 7 kozliyat / The 7 Kids, Marina Karpova, Rosja / Russia, 2020, 5’20”
  • Traces, Hugo Frassetto, Sophie Tavert Macian, Francja, Belgia / France, Belgium, 2019, 13’
  • Precieux / Precious, Paul Mas, Francja / France, 2020, 14’
  • Roberto, Carmen Córdoba González, Hiszpania / Spain, 2020, 9’
  • Nestor, João Gonzalez, Wielka Brytania, Portugalia / UK, Portugal, 2020, 6
  •   דוא העץ / Gen Tree, Ronni Shalev, Alon Sharabi, Hod Adler, Izrael / Israe    Kapaemahu, Hinaleimoana Wong-Kalu, Dean Hamer, Joe Wilson, Stany Zjednoczone / USA, 2020, 8’28”
  • Dinosaures: La Vraie Histoire / Dinosaurs: The True Story, Paul-Louis Aeberhardt, Francja / France, 2020, 4’22”
  • L'île Sans Nom / The Nameless Island, Caméra Etc Collectif, Belgia / Belgium, 2020 6’53”


In this competition (scheduled as the first festival competition), the audience has full power - it is the viewers who vote and choose the film that will qualify for the International Competition with a wild card.

  •   הטיפוס מסוכן / Beware of Cliff, Shalev Ben Elya, Izrael / Israel, 2020, 1’38’’
  • Catcalls, Laura Stewart & Anna Berezowsky, Kanada / Canada, 2020, 2’02’’
  • Subject, Renen Adar & Neta Zaidel, Izrael / Israel, 2020, 8’55’’
  • Machinal, David Bombardier, Kanada / Canada, 2020, 5’35’’
  • Hijack139, Joachim Berg & Sondre Johre, Norwegia / Norway, 2020, 6’01’’
  • Dnevnik od blata / Mud Chronicles, Vuk Palibrk, Serbia, 2020, 9’45’’
  • One Left, Sebastian Doringer, Austria, 2020, 6’12’’
  • Millenium / Millennium, Daria Godyń, Polska / Poland, 2020, 8’17’’
  • Pilar, Yngwie Boley & J.J. Epping & Diana van Houten, Holandia / Netherlands, 2020, 9’22’’
  • Cucaracha / Roach, Agustín Touriño, Argentyna / Argentina, 2020, 13’20’’
  • D5, Wiesława Ruta, Polska / Poland, 2020, 2’41’’
  • La Luna / The Moon, Pepon Meneses & Laura Ginès, Hiszpania / Spain, 2020, 3’13’’
  • Oby ciebie nie nosiła ziemia / May the World Not Carry You, Rozalia Ogonowska, Polska / Poland, 2019, 3’33’’
  • À la mer poussière / To the dusty sea, Héloïse Ferlay, Francja / France, 2020, 12’30’’
  • Pandiculation, Jakob Eiring & Konrad Hjemli, Norwegia / Norway, 2020, 3’11’’
  • Real Human Being (Ryan Martin), Anna Samo & Michaela Mueller, USA, 2020, 4’50’’
  • #nikiforszczecinski (Łona i Webber), Piotr Pauk & Marek Kowalczyk, Polska / Poland, 2020, 3’49’’
  • All Jerk, No Work, Chris Lambourne, Wielka Brytania / United Kingdom, 3’51’’
  • Dziewczyna z filmu porno / The girl from the porno movie (Hiob Dylan), Janek Koza, Polska / Poland, 2020, 4'44"
  • Coffin, Yuanqing Cai, Nathan Crabot, Houzhi Huang, Mikolaj Janiw, Mandimby Lebon, Théo Tran Ngoc, Francja / France, 2020, 5’23’’
  • A little too much (Kai), Martina Scarpelli, USA, 2020, 3’44’’
  • Trona Pinnacles, Mathilde Parquet, Francja / France, 2020, 13’20’
  • Utopia – C, Reinhold Bidner, Austria, 2020, 7’38’’
  • Nobody gives a fuck, Asha Susan Alex, Indie / India, 2020, 5’33’’
  • Needs, Júlia Lerch, Węgry / Hungary, 2020, 5’19’’
  • Room with a Sea View, Leonid Shmelkov, Estonia, 2020, 11’55’’
  • Incognito, Júlia Lantos, Węgry / Hungary, 2020, 7’35’’
  • Friend of a Friend, Zachary Zezima, Francja / France 2019, 14’04’’
  • Black Snot & Golden Squares, Irina Rubina, Niemcy / Germany 2020, 1’08’’
  • Criss Cross, Caroline Hamann, Niemcy / Germany, 2020, 7’30’’
  • 10 000 bezobraznyh pyaten / 10 000 Ugly Inkblots, Dmitry Geller, Rosja, Chiny / Russia, China, 2020, 8’10’’

10000 Ugly Incblots, Dmitry Geller

The 10th International Animated Film Festival Animocje takes place 18-24 April 2021.

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