Encounters, Bristol 2015: Call for Submissions

Encounters Festival presents one of the world's leading International Competitions for short film and animation, and also qualifies for both The Oscars® and BAFTAs.

 Submissions are open to short films from every genre including animation, documentary, drama, experimental or artist film. Films must have been completed after 1st January 2014, and be no longer than 30 minutes (including credits).

The festival awards are as follows:

Animated Encounters Grand Prix - £1,000 prize
Animated Encounters British Award - £1,000 prize
Animated Encounters New Talent Award - £1,000 prize

Brief Encounters Grand Prix - £1,000 prize

Brief Encounters British Award - £1,000 prize

Brief Encounters New Talent Award - £1,000 prize

Audience Award
Documentary Award
Music Video Award
Childrens' Award

DepicT! Awards

DEADLINES: 31 MARCH 2015  (for films completed in 2014)

             5 JUNE 2015 (for films completed in 2015)

 Submission fees apply (negotiable). Read the festival regulations and submit via Reelport.

A separate competition is organized for films under 90 seconds. Learn more about DepicT! competition (application via the Depict! site will open for free at the end of February 2015).

Encounters Festival takes place in Bristol between 15 and 20 September 2015.



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