PRIMANIMA 2013, Hungary: Awards

 At the 2nd edition of Primanima World Festival of First Animation (23-26 October, Budaörs, Hungary) , the Grand Prix went to the graduation animation Fly Mill by Anu-Laura Tuttelberg from the Estonian Academy of Arts "for creating a secret recipe for a perfect movie and black bread".

 The international jury (Max Andersson, Igor Prassel,  Igor Lazin)  gave out the award for the most promising Hungarian talent in animation, to Panna Horváth-Molnár, a recent graduate at MOME Budapest and co-director of Dipendenza. This grotesque film explores the dynamics of relationship, while challenges conservative gender roles in a fishy setting.

 Betty's Blues, a pre-selected short for the César awards by Remi Vandenitte won a Special festival mention, while Nicolai Troshinsky's Astigmatismo was awarded as the best debut film at Primanima. 

The Audience Award was handed out to Matus Vizár's anti-evolution story Pandas, while based on the audience votes the most popular Hungarian animated short is Rabbit and Deer by Péter Vácz.

 In 2012, the Grand Prix of the very first edition of PRIMANIMA went to Jason Carpenter's The Renter (CalArts, USA), while best workshop film award was handed out to Elli Vuorinnen's The Toungeling from Turku Arts Academy, Finland.


 Full Awards List:

Grand Prix
Anu-Laura TUTTELBERG: Fly Mill (Estonian Academy of Arts, EST)
For creating a secret recipe for a perfect movie and black bread.

Jury's special mention
Remi VANDENITTE: Betty's Blues (Les Films du Nord, FRA / BEL)
For sucessfuly depicting the evil in man through a diceptively charming animated Blues adaptation.

George Pal Prize for the most promising Hungarian talent in animation
(HORVÁTH-MOLNÁR Panna, ZOMBORÁCZ Virág: Dipendenza, MOME Anim, HUN)
For exploring the dynamics of relationship, while challenging conservative gender roles in a fishy setting.

Best Début film
Nicolai TROSHINSKY: Astigmatismo (ESP)
For opening our eyes to the joys and fears of childhood through an optical disorder.

Best Graduation Film
Matúš VIZÁR: Pandas (FAMU, CZE)
For its colourfull and subversive lecture on de-evolution.

Best Workshop Film
Anni OJA, Sini PIETILÄINEN, Taru RISKILÄ, Markus TERVOLA, Nuppu NYKYRI, Miira TONTERI: The Table is Set (Turku Arts Academy, FIN)
For a collaborative project resulting in a camera comedy revealing social injustice.

Max Andersson's special mention
BERA Nándor: Trees (MOME Anim, HUN)

Igor Lazin's special mention
Dina VELIKOVSKAYA: My Strange Grandfather (Russian State University of Cinematography, RUS)

Igor Prassel's special mention
Spela CADEZ: Boles (SVN / GER)

Gyula Macskássy Prize for the most popular animation
VÁCZ Péter: Rabbit and Deer (MOME Anim, HUN)

Short Film Audience Award
Matúš VIZÁR: Pandas (FAMU, CZE)

PrimaSound: Best Sound Design
Dina VELIKOVSKAYA: My Strange Grandfather (Russian State University of Cinematography, RUS)

The Children Jury's Award
VÁCZ Péter: Rabbit and Deer (MOME Anim, HUN)

The Student Jury's Favourite Short Film
Alexis BEAUMONT, Remi GODIN: Let's Go! (FRA)


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