
Assistant Professor Positions in Animation, Rhode Island School of Design

Assistant Professor Positions in Animation, Rhode Island School of Design

The Department of Film, Animation and Video in the Division of Fine Arts seeks applications for two full-time faculty appointments at the rank of Assistant Professor to commence fall 2017.

 Rhode Island School of Design recognizes diversity and inclusivity as fundamental to its learning community and integral to an art and design education. One position will primarily serve students focusing in Animation and the other will primarily serve students focusing in Open Media. The FAV Department is a cross-disciplinary undergraduate department of approximately 145 students.

It has three areas of focus: Animation, Live Action Filmmaking, and Open Media. (In Open Media, students develop cross-disciplinary studio practice centered in time based media.)

Faculty must be able to instruct, engage, and encourage motivated and exceptionally talented students whose interests and methods are diverse.

These interests span animation of all kinds, interactive media, experimental, narrative, and documentary filmmaking, installation, performance, coding, game design, virtual reality, and more.

The students incline toward physical making, intense work, and come to the department with strong foundation training in drawing, two dimensional design, and spatial design.

Required Qualifications

Candidates must show an ability to master and teach ever-changing production methods. They must be able to support a wide range of students both conceptually and technically. Good interpersonal skills, clarity, generosity, and creativity in both personal work and teaching are essential.

The candidate should demonstrate potential to make a significant contribution to the field.

  • Both positions require a Bachelor's degree, with an MFA preferred (or equivalent professional experience) and college-level teaching experience.

In addition, the positions require:

-Ability to teach students with a wide range of interests and cross-disciplinary applications of the medium

- Ability to critique and support student work both conceptually and technically

- Deep knowledge in at least two of these areas: animation production (both hand-made and digital techniques), interactive design, installation and performance-based art practice, sound design and production, and live-action production.

Find more info, and apply at the Rhode Island School of Design career page.


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