
Support the 18th Animation Show of Shows

ron-diamondThe Animation Show of Shows is an annual event in which the world's best animated short films are presented in one feature-length movie to audiences worldwide,

Started in 1999 by  animation producer Ron Diamond, co-founder and president of Animation World Network (, the effort was to share with the wider animation industry the brilliant films he was discovering.

Through the yearly event, independent animated short films by talented international directors are discovered on the big screen and written about in print and online press. Many of them are virtually unknown until the Show of Shows brings to light these compelling shorts.

The 2015 Kickstarter campaign  raised $100,000 on Kickstarter, thanks to the generous support of nearly 900 industry professionals, students and fans of animation.

This allowed The 17th Annual Animation Show of Shows to premiere in 47 cities, in four countries, for a total of 435 showings.

In 2016, a renewed Kickcstarter campaign is under way (ends: Friday, 1 July).

It can help launch the 18th Annual Animation Show of Shows in many more theaters this fall, and take animation to an even wider audience.

Take action!





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