Animation Sans Frontières 2018-19: Call for Applicants

Animation Sans Frontières, the 11th European Animation Development Lab is a 4×2 weeks lecture/workshop-based training programme designed to give junior European animation film and production professionals an understanding of the European and international animation industry and markets, as well the space, time and tools to develop, finance and produce their own projects, careers and eventually production companies.
ASF is the perfect chance for emerging animation professionals to:
- develop their ownrojects/companies, work in multidisciplinary & international teams le
- learn more about the European animation industry and markets, understand coproduction
- meet a wide variety of recognised animation film, games and new media professionals
- network with other European young talents and initiate future trans-European collaborations
- be positioned in the vast international animation industry
be guided into alternative markets and new media solutions
How it works
A group of 15 to 16 young European animation artists, producers, scriptwriters and technical directors travels 2 weeks to each 4 school to follow 4 separate parts of an overview of the entire animation film production process, from concept development through financing and production management to marketing and distribution. Television and feature films, games and interactive media, traditional and cross-platform production processes are all covered at various stages along the way.
As a new addition to the programme: organise several special collaborative events designed to meet the challenge of getting to know new technologies in order to use them to tell stories with animation. These events will include a 3-day hackathon where teams of of artists, technicians, producers and script writers will create prototypes for Animated Spaces, as well as a 2-day game jam.
As a special supplement and based on their talent and motivation, out of the 16 students 2 groups of 4 students will also have the opportunity to join and represent ASF at the Cartoon Movie 2019, the Animation Production Day and FMX 2019 events. All fees and costs are covered by ASF.
Schedule for ASF11
Module 1
8 to 19 October 2018, Filmakademie, Germany
Module 2
19 to 30 November 2018, MOME, Hungary
Module 3
21 January to 1 February 2019, The Animation Workshop, Denmark
Cartoon Movie pitching event
6 to 8 March 2019 (dates TBC), Lyon, France
Module 4
11 to 22 March 2019, Gobelins, France
FMX Conference, Animation Production Day & ITFS Festival
23 to 26 April 2019 (dates TBC), Stuttgart, Germany
The workshop is mainly composed of the following:
Overviews: various industry themes, regional, national, international markets
Toolbox: production tools, from pitching to line production
Case Studies alongside studio visits
Creative Workshops
A special focus is given to the development of new topics and innovative genres and contents for animation projects, and to the research for corresponding and new styles and formats.The first two modules in Germany and Hungary concentrate on the development of project ideas while the third and fourth modules in Denmark and France centre on financing and production methods as well as project packaging and pitching.
Participants are very much encouraged to come to the workshop with their own project ideas, which will be given time and space in the overall programme for development under the supervision of animation producers and directors, from concept through the project package all the way to pitching. At the end of the Gobelins module and of the whole programme in Paris, participants will get the chance to pitch their projects before a panel of recognised European animation producers.
Target Groups
Animation Sans Frontières is open to junior European animation professionals, and more precisely to: Animation artists:directors, art directors, animators, story artists, designers, Producers, Writers/scriptwriters, Technical directors, programmers wishing to work collaboratively in the animation industry
Application Procedure
Animation artists and writers are required to send in a curriculum vitae, a portfolio, a motivation letter and any available samples of personal projects they might be working on and which they would like to further developed during the workshop.
Producers are required to send in a curriculum vitae, a motivation letter with a special focus on their view of the animation industry and, optionally, any available samples of personal projects they might be working on and which could be further developed during the workshop.
Technical directors/programmers are required to send in a curriculum vitae, a motivation letter, links to previous works/projects and, optionally, any available samples of personal projects they might be working on and which they would like to further developed during the workshop.
All applications are reviewed, and the group of 15-16 is selected during the Annecy festival in June.
Participation Fee
A participation fee of 1.500 EUR covers all 4 modules as well as all travel costs to all 4 schools (plus, for 8 of the 16, to Cartoon Movie or FMX), and all hotel/hostel nights including breakfasts for 2 weeks at each school, all lunches and several dinners as well as a wealth of didactic material (art supplies, various teacher hand-outs and more).
Course Certificate: All participants having successfully completed ASF will receive a joint course certificate signed by all 4 partner organising schools.
- See the application form for more info.
- Deadline: 31 May 2018
- More info
Animation Sans Frontières is organized with the support of the Creative Europe Programme of the EU. It is run by and at Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg in Germany, Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design in Hungary, The Animation Workshop in Denmar, kGOBELINS, l’école de l’image in France.