Horsetail by Mateusz Jarmulski

A myth and a pressing social issue in the Polish animation short Horsetail by Mateusz Jarmulski.

Zoon by Jonatan Schwenk: Interview

German animation director Jonatan Schwenk talks to Zippy Frames about his new short, 'Zoon', premiering at Sundance Film Festival 2022.

Kafka's Doll by Bruno Simões: Trailer (Exclusive)

A new aspect of Franz Kafka in the indie animation short 'Kafka's Doll' by Bruno Simões. Find his interview at Zippy Frames, and watch (exclusive) the trailer for the film.

The Battle of San Romano by Georges Schwizgebel

Swiss veteran artist Georges Schwizgebel makes The Battle of San Romano animation short. Watch the film.

Flowing Home (Comme un fleuve) by Sandra Desmazières

Two Vietnamese sisters get separated in the animation short by Sandra Desmazières, available to watch online till 7 February.

'River' by Joni Mitchell and Matvey Rezanov

Joni Mitchell's River gets an animated treatment by Matvey Rezanov and Skazka studios.

The Feathers That Smell of the Sea by Zoel Kastelic

Krooka talks to Slovenian animation director Zoel Kastelic, who premieres her short animation The Features That Smell of the Sea, to Zippy Frames.

The Grand and The Small: The Case for Marta Pajek's Impossible Figures and Other Stories I

Vassilis Kroustallis brings forward some of the questions raised for short animation in the recent Impossible Figures and Other Stories I animation short by Polish director Marta Pajek.


Zippy Frames is the premier online animation journal promoting European and Independent Animation animation since 2011

Zippy Frames

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