Lola Lefevre

Mom, what's up with the dog animation still

Sexual awakening and coming-of-age are now accompanied by a dog. Here's our review of the animation short 'Mom, What’s Up With the Dog; by Lola Lefèvre.

Shkid animation feature by Fernando Cortizo

Vassilis Kroustallis talks to Spanish director Fernando Cortizon about his new animation feature in development (and Holocaust-related), 'Shkid'.

   Face Recognition animation still by Martinus Klemet

Estonian animation filmmaker Martinus Klemet releases online his animation short comedy about surveillance, 'Face Recognition'. Watch the film and read his interview.

Andreea Vraja offers her own take from Animateka Festival 2022, in the European Young Talents review.


Zippy Frames is the premier online animation journal promoting European and Independent Animation animation since 2011

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