A Belgian animation film on the list of Oscar-qualifying animation shorts of 2023. Discover 'Pina' by Jérémy Depuydt and Giuseppe Accardo.
Hungarian animation filmmaker Flóra Anna Buda won the Palme d'Or for her short animation film, '27'. Our film review.
Another subversive animation short by the Croatian/Estonian duo of Lucija Mrzljak & Morten Tšinakov.
The much-awarded animation short 'Zima' (Winter) by Polish animation director Tomasz (Tomek) Popakul.
A new queer animation film from the Hawaiian creators of 'Kapaemahu' is now Oscar-qualified. Learn more about 'Aikane'.
Vassilis Kroustallis talks to the Oscar-nominated animation director Daria Kashcheeva on her new animated film, 'Electra', premiering at Cannes Film Festival.
Olga Bobrowska reviews the acclaimed Israeli animation, Holocaust-themed short, 'Letter to a Pig' by Tal Kantor.