Czech Komix Series Gets Wordwide Distribution via Dandeloo

French animation production and distribution company Dandelooo has closed a deal with Czech animation production company, Krutart for the new 2-D series Kosmix (26 x 5’).

Icebreaker Snow Adventures Trailer for the Finnish POB 3D Animated Series

Finland’s POB Production, the prodco behind the Icebreaker Snow book series and award-winning Finnish animation studio Anima Vitae have collaborated on the development of a trailer for a new animated series: Icebreaker Snow Adventures since January 2020.

Katell France Collaborates with Média-Participations Group Towards The Marsupilamis Production

Katell France joins collaborating scheme of Média-Participations Group for the development of the new French/Belgian TV series The Marsupilamis. 

The Upside Down River by Dandeloo Moves to CANAL+

Chldren's animation series by the writer of Ernest and Celestine has been commissioned by Dandeloo company to be developed for the French CANAL+ channel.

The Horn Quartet TV Special Now in French Cinemas

The French/Belgian TV special is now in French cinemas. Watch the teaser.


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