Night Bus Animation Short by Joe Hsieh Wins at Sundance Film Festival


The Short Film Jury Award: Animation of the 2022 Sundance Film Festival was awarded to Taiwanese director Joe Hsieh for the horror film 'Night Bus' (Director and Screenwriter: Joe Hsieh, Producers: Wan Lin Lee, Joe Hsieh, Joe Chan).

The 20-minute animation film, which previously won the Grand Prix at Animafest Zagreb 2021, tells the story of a late-night ride bus.

A panicked scream shatters the night’s calm. A necklace is stolen, followed by a tragic and fatal road accident. The series of intriguing events that follows reveal love, hatred, and vengeance. 

Watch the trailer for Night Bus:

Sundance Festival Juror Kevin Jerome Everson said, “With its deft handling of film noir sensibilities, well rounded storytelling, suspense and deeply crafted characters this film takes us on a ride figuratively and literally.”.

Here's a short Sundance presentation with director Joe Hsieh talking about the film. He was fascinated by observing people and their reactions, in a film that took him 5 years to make.

And the online award ceremony, in which the director describes his award as 'a dream come true'

2021 award recipient for the Short Film Jury Award; Animation was Bastien Dubois with the French film, 'Souvenir, Souvenir'.

Sundance Film Festival took place online, 20-30 January 2022.

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