Mirai Mizue presents Wonder
The experimental animated film director Mirai Mizue has conceived of the WONDER 365 Animation Project in which he creates a one-second animation (24 frames of drawings) each day, uploading it to the web for 365 consecutive days, from April 1, 2012 to March 31, 2013.
The last frame created on each previous day became the starting point for the following day. When the 365 days have passed, the film WONDER is complete.
Watch the trailer below:
Mirai Mizue has garnered critical acclaim for his abstract short, Modern No.2 at Venice Film Festival and Annecy Festival (France).
In Wonder, A total of 8,760 drawings where required to complete the project, which means producing 24 drawings per day, or at least one every hour.
After hiring a rough total of 160 painters to assist him for a few days per month, Mirai Mizue was able to complete the project as planned on the 31st of March.
However, the costs for recording the soundtrack and editing launched a Kickstarter campaign (April 1- April 30), where all contributors can help the film to be ready for its Cannes screening in May
Watch a video on Mirai Mizue and his animation-making process: