French Animation
The director of Rabbi's Cat Joann Sfar, returns with the Little Vampire (Petit Vampire). Watch the trailer.
French animation artist Quentin Vien presents his music-filled animation short Deadman's Reach to Zippy Frames. Here's both the film and his interview.
The Summit of the Gods is a French 2D animated feature film project, based on a manga by Jiro Taniguchi. It is directed by Patrick Imbert. Co-produced by Folivari, Julianne Films and Mélusine.
Here's the very relevant LGBT story Les Lèvres Gercées (Chapped lips) by Gobelins students Fabien Corre & Kelsi Phung.
A very unusual but still challenging and mesmerizing film. Watch (mature audiences only) the French animation short Chulyen, A Crow's Tale by by Cerise Lopez and Agnès Patron.
Montpellier French School ArtFX opens its doors for new higher education programme in animation via its ArtFX Academy.
Osman Cerfon, director of the César-shortlisted short I'm Going Out for Cigarettes (Je sors acheter des cigarettes) talks to Zippy Frames.
Two dumb characters try to save a wounded person -and the world with him. Watch and learn about Hors Piste animated short.