The Summit of the Gods by Patrick Imbert

The Summit of the Gods is a French 2D animated feature film project, based on a manga by Jiro Taniguchi. It is directed by Patrick Imbert. Co-produced by Folivari, Julianne Films and Mélusine.

4 New Animation Features for MIYU Productions

4 animation features come from MIYU Productions.

Flee by Jonas Poher Rasmussen

Here's the new animation documentary Flee by Jonas Poher Rasmussen.

Even Mice Belong in Heaven by Denisa Grimmová & Jan Bubeníček

A stop-motion/3D animation feature film to watch. Even Mice Belong in Heaven. Here's our Animarkt Stop Motion Forum report, where the film was presented as a work-in-progress.

My Favorite War by Ilze Burkovska Jacobsen

My Favorite War, directed by Latvian-Norwegian Ilze Burkovska Jacobsen, is a personal, animated documentary that tells the story of the director's upbringing in 1970-1990 Latvia during the Soviet occupation.

No Dogs or Italians Allowed by Alain Ughetto: Trailer

The new animation feature No Dogs or Italians Allowed by Alain Ughetto.

Accidental Luxuriance of the Translucent Watery Rebus: Interview with Dalibor Baric

The new animation feature film by Croatian artist and filmmaker Dalibor Barić

Chinese Animation Artist Sun Xun Asks for Participation in His New Animation Feature Magic Atlas

Acclaimed Chinese animation artist Sun Xun prepares the animation feature Magic Atlas, and asks for artistic participation.

The Island by Anca Damian

After Marona's Tale, Anca Damian prepares the post-modern musical comedy The Island.

Τhe Neighbors of My Neighbors Are My Neighbors

Here's about the French animation feature in production, Τhe Neighbors of My Neighbors Are My Neighbors by Anne Laure Daffis & Léo Marchand.

Sirocco and the Kingdom of the Winds by Benoît Chieux

French animation director Benoît Chieux prepares Sirocco and the Kingdom of the Winds fantasy tale. Watch the film trailer.

Molesworth by Uli Meyer

Uli Meyer has a feature film in development, Molesworth, based on UK cartoonist Ronald Searle's Moleworth books.


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