Τhe Prince's Voyage Review: Looking for a Utopia

Film review for The Prince's Voyage by  Jean-François Laguionie and Xavier Picard.

Ville Neuve Review: Like A Fish Out of Water

Vassilis Kroustallis reviews the poetic and intimate Canadian animation feature Ville Neuve by Félix Dufour-Laperrière.

Away by Gints Zilbalodis Review: Your Eden Is Just Around the Harbour

Away is a prime 3D immersive experience without the use of sex, drugs or rock'n'roll. Read our review for the Latvian animation feature Away by Gints Zilbalodis.

Buñuel In the Labyrinth of the Turtles Review

 Our film review for the Spanish animation feature Buñuel In the Labyrinth of the Turtles by Salvador Simo.

Love, Death and Robots Review

Our Zippy Frames contributor Kropka reviews and takes a critical stance on the Love, Death and Robots Netflix series.


Ruben Brandt, Collector Review: Artistic Obsession in Action

It's a post-modern heist film, full of references and short of surprises. Our review for Ruben Brandt, Collector by Milorad Krstic.

Funan Review: Patience Makes Heroes

Denis Do portrays a piece in Cambodian history through the eyes of a mother looking for her child.

Breathless Animals Review: What You Can Reconstruct Won't Kill You

Film review for experimental feature Breathless Animals by  US/Chinese artist Lei Lei, which premiered at the 2019 Berlin Film Festival.


Zippy Frames is the premier online animation journal promoting European and Independent Animation animation since 2011


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