Phantom Boy Review: A Boy in New York

A sober detective thriller that quietly subverts the notion of a superhero from the duo of A Cat in Paris.

Inside Out Review: A Person Is Not An Island

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Pixar's Inside Out is ambitious, colourful and flawed.

Battledream Chronicle Review: When Values Defy Firewalls

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The first animated feature from Martinique is an engrossing sci-fi adventure.

Sabogal: When Altitude Causes Dizziness

A neo-noir animation feature from Colombia mixes live-action atrocities with animated personal settings.

Longway North Review: Everything's not quiet at the North Pole

The premiere animation feature by powerhouse French production company Sacrebleu claims to show that 2D animation and classic movie adventure is not dead - and it does a commendable job.

The Prophet Review: Sympathy, Not Ecstasy

It is multi-talented, much-loved and needs a lot of sympathy. Still, the feature animation of Kahlil Gibran's The Prophet is an uneven feature - and not because of its episodic structure.

Little From The Fish Shop Review: Alice Doesn't Live Here Anymore

It will have a hard time getting shown outside of its native country, but this adult and poignant adaptation of Andersen's The Little Mermaid must not get unnoticed.

Moomins on the Riviera Review: More Relaxed than Otherwise Permitted

Something has happened in the 2015 feature adaptation of Tove Jansson's hippopotamus-like creatures.

Song of the Sea Review: Don't Be Afraid to Be A Child in Trouble

Full of magic & beauty, but without unnecessary gimmickry,  the Oscar-nominated Song of the Sea has enough drama and emotion to turn a stone into a Celtic wizard.


Zippy Frames is the premier online animation journal promoting European and Independent Animation animation since 2011

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