Student Academy Awards, 11-15 Oct 2020

Deadline | Event Dates (period)
Beverly Hills, CA
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Final submission deadline
Submission/Registration Fee

Award Description:

The Student Academy Awards (SAA) recognizes and honors student filmmakers who demonstrate excellence in the creation of motion pictures. By awarding these outstanding achievements, the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences strives to support and inspire emerging filmmakers and to foster growth and education in the art and science of motion pictures.

2020 Coverage

Finalists for Animation and Experimental Films

Alternative/Experimental (Domestic and International Film Schools)

Curry Sicong Tian, "Simulacra," University of Southern California
Luca Signoretti, Tobias Buchmann, Alicja Pahl, "Out Of Ordinary," Züricher Hochschule der Künste - Switzerland
Ewurakua Dawson-Amoah, "To the Girl that Looks Like Me," New York University
Elisa Maria Nadal, "Prisoners of the Body," Hochschule für Fernsehen und Film München - Germany

Animation (Domestic Film Schools)

Mengyuan Guo, Naicheng Liu, Suhn Young Chung, "Tricked," Ringling College of Art and Design
Rodrigo Chapoy, "Bear With Me," Ringling College of Art and Design
Di Lu, "Super Generic," Ringling College of Art and Design
Pilar Garcia-Fernandezsesma, "Ciervo," Rhode Island School of Design
Kate Namowicz, Skyler Porras, "Mime Your Manners," Ringling College of Art and Design
Kristoffer Molinari, "Death and Delilah," Brigham Young University
Daniela Dwek, Chrisy Baek, Maya Mendonca, "Hamsa," School of Visual Arts

Animation (International Film Schools)

Otalia Caussé, Geoffroy Collin, Fabien Meyran, "o28," Supinfocom Rubika - France
Pascal Schelbli, "The Beauty," Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg - Germany
Han Yang & Basil Malek, "The Tree," Gobelins, l'école de l'image - France


In Lisbon, a german married couple is about to get aboard the legendary n°28 tramway, but how should you react when the brakes let go and embark you on a vertiginous race... With a baby on board.

The Beauty 

The film deals with oceans being polluted by plastic. The film takes the audience on a poetic journey through a fascinating underwater world, where plastic and nature become one. For one breath, worries and feelings of guilt seem to dissolve between eerily beautiful coral reefs and the mysterious depths of the ocean.

Making of:

The Tree

In a world of drought, an old man spends his days collecting drops of water to quench the thirst of a dead tree.

2019 Coverage

2018 Coverage

2017 Coverage

2016 Coverage

2014 Coverage

2013 Coverage


Event Dates

  • 15/10/2020



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