Good For You by Ilhyun Kim (Contemporary Korean Animation Series)

Cleansing your soul. An experimental animation film from Korea 'Good For You' by Korean animation director Ilhyun Kim. The director talks to Zippy Frames.

Blindness by Yu-Seon Park (Contemporary Korean Animation Series)

Media culture and framing surface in the 2D animation short 'Blindness' by Korean animation director Yu-Seon Park. Read her interview at Zippy Frames.

Carnivorous Bean Sprout by Seo Sae-rom (seO) - Contemporary Korean Animation Series

Our contributor Flaka Kokolli talks to Korean animation director Seo Sae-rom (seO) about her post-apocalyptic, 2D animation/clay film, 'Carnivorous Bean Sprouts'

The Phenomenology of Perception: Interview with 'Kafka In Love' director Zane Oborenko

Latvian animation director Zane Oborenko talks about her upcoming Kafka in Love sand animation short film.

Our Lost Civilization: Marta Pajek On 'Impossible Figures and Other Stories I'

Marta Pajek talks to Zippy Frames on her new animation short, Impossible Figures and Other Stories I, which premieres at the 2021 Ottawa International Animation Festival.

Battery Daddy by Seung-bae Jeon (Contemporary Korean Animation Series)

Vassilis Kroustallis talks to Korean animation director Seung-bae Jeon about his stop-motion animation short Battery Daddy.

A Sip of Water by Hyuna Cho (Contemporary Korean Animation Series)

Vassilis Kroustallis talks to Korean animation director Hyuna Cho about her 2D animation short A Sip of Water.

Swiss Animation Portraits 2021

A series of interviews and portraits with both acclaimed and emerging independent Swiss animation filmmakers. Conducted May - June 2021.


Zippy Frames is the premier online animation journal promoting European and Independent Animation animation since 2011

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