Conference: Graphic Stories Cyprus, 9-11/3/2018

The 4th consecutive Conference on Graphic Design and Visual Communication of Cyprus, Graphic Stories Cyprus, opens its doors for another creative weekend from 09 – 11 of March 2018.

ASIFA-Hollywood & AEF Faculty Grants applications 2018

ASIFA-Hollywood and AEF program for the 2018 Faculty Grant programme are now open.

Propaganda, Ideology and Animation Conference, 23-24/11, Krakow: Full Programme

The complete programme for the Propaganda, Ideology and Animation at, with Theo Ushev as a guest and panels of animation professionals all over Europe.

Giannalberto Bendazzi: Twice the First, Quirino Cristiani and the Animated Feature Film

Zippy Frames talks to Giannalberto Bendazzi about his new book in English, Twice the First: Quirino Cristiani and the Animated Feature Film.

Propaganda, Ideology And Animation Conference: Call for Papers

Etiuda and Anima festival organizes, jointly with the AGH Krakow University of Science and Technology a two-day conference in Krakow, with Theo Ushev as a special guest. Extended deadline: 31 Oct

SAS Chooses Temporality Conference Topic: Call for Papers

Extended deadline (8 Jan) to submit to the upcoming Society for Animation Studies conference  (Montreal, 19-21 June 2018), with "Then Now Next" as the conference topic.

Chinese Animation Forum, 11-12/11: Call for Papers

A two-day forum on Chinese animation is jointly organized by Xihua University and Southwest Minzu University.

PCA/ACA Animation Conference 2018: Call for papers

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Popular Culture Association hosts a 2018 National Conference on Animation (28-31 March 2018, Indianapolis)  and invites calls for papers.

Jobs: Reader in Film or Animation, UCA

Permanent position for animation at University for the Creative Arts, Farnham. 

Animafest Zagreb Award for Animation Studies to Maureen Furniss

M. Furniss: Greatly honored, and I invite the growing number of animation scholars to continue to write their own new histories.

Jobs: Experimental Animation Faculty Position at CalArts

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The program in Experimental Animation program at CalArts opens a full-time faculty position.

Assistant Professor Positions in Animation, Rhode Island School of Design

Two assisstant professorships (full-time faculty)are open at Rhode Island School of Design.


Zippy Frames is the premier online animation journal promoting European and Independent Animation animation since 2011

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