Swedish animation director Carolina Sandvik presents her puppet indie animation short Paracusia to Zippy Frames, a film that investigates sounds and a woman's condition in isolation.
Mikhail Gurevich talks to the Russian director, animator and designer Kirill Khachaturov about his short film, Naked.
A newest episode of the digital series Tales from Pussy Willow, an animated sketch comedy by Kate Jessop premieres on Friday, June 26th.
After Angry Man, Norwegian filmmaker Anita Killi is back with the stop-motion Mother Didn't Know. Kropka reviews the film.
Three versions of the same woman in the stop-motion animation, puppet film Shadow Passage by Ali Aschman.
Over 140 animators from around the world used their creative talents to make #Flattenthecurve videos, organized by Studio Desk.
The 15-minute UK/Czech co-production and animation short Salvation Has No Name by Joseph Wallace now gets a BFI Film Festival London Screening.
A gay son talks to his dead mother in the intrinsically personal short Between Us Two by animation director Tan Wei Kong. Watch the film and read our interview with the director.