Psiconautas, Louise en hiver, Cafard in the Ottawa 2016 line-up

Here's the feature film selection of the 2016 Ottawa International Animation Festival.

Three Fitted Flies, Sunday Lunch, Ruben Leaves Take Home 2016 Fest Anča Awards

Surprise winners at the 9th edition of the Slovakian fest.

The Quay Brothers, Steven Woloshen Come to Fest Anča

The Slovakian fest boasts an auteur-driven attitude for its 2016 edition.

DOK Leipzig, 31/10-6/11: Call for entries

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The 59th DOK Leipzig festival is open for short and feature-length animated films. Details.

The Head Vanishes, Ma vie de courgette Take Home 2016 Annecy Awards

A Francophone night for Annecy festival. All the winners of the French fest.

First Annecy Prizes to Theo Ushev, Peripheria

The 2016 Annecy festival awarded its Special prizes on Friday, 17 June. See all winners.

Annecy Zippy Diary 15/6: Angry Birds, Louise and Shamanism

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Our daily report from Annecy: Wednesday 15 June.

Annecy Zippy Diary, 14/6: Call Me Émile, Planemo or Nuts!

It's not a full report (for the size of Annecy festival this is nearly impossible), but rather a daily report of our Zippy involvement at the French festival: Tuesday 14 June.



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