Cinanima 2017 Jury Unveiled

Michael Dudok de Wit, Thierry Steff, Ferenc Mikulás  in the 41st Cinanima festival edition.

7 Features in Competition for BIAF 2017

In this Corner of the World, Revengeance, The Real October and Ethel & Ernest in the Bucheon Int'nl Animation Festival line-up.

Anima Festival Showcases Estonia in its 2018 edition

The Brussels festival will host a retrospective of Priit Pärn, and more related events.

Cordial Networking, Projects to Watch: Report from 3DWire 2017

Vassilis Kroustallis reports from Segovia and the ninth edition of 3DWire.

Animasyros 10: The Awards

All the 2017 winners of the Greek festival at Syros.

12th Anim'est Goes Comics

The Bucharest festival celebrates its 12th edition with a special theme on Comics.

10 Animated Things For Animasyros 10

Animasyros International Animation Festival+ Agora  celebrates its 10th birthday; the essential guide to the Greek animation festival follows.



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