Swedish Animation

Swedish animation director Carolina Sandvik presents her puppet indie animation short Paracusia to Zippy Frames, a film that investigates sounds and a woman's condition in isolation.

Deadpan humour and emotional exasperation prevails in the blink-and-you-ll-miss-it carefully constructed Enough by Anna Mantzaris.

A new network of Nordic countries animation is born, to help with info and structure of co-production opportunities.

The 2D animation feature competes at the Generation section of this year's Berlin Film Festival. Director Linda Hambäck talked to ZIppy Frames.

Per Åhlin, the iconic Swedish film director, illustrator and animator will be this year’s honorary guest at the Fredrikstad Animation Festival, which will take place on the 9th to 12th of November in Fredrikstad, Norway.

Our short, but important news items from the world of independent animation. Our first issue, 5 June 2017.

A powerful animation documentary by Jonas Odell on a case of terrorism in the West Germany of the 70s. Watch Tussilago.

Max Andersson & Helena Ahonen direct a road movie on the Balkans, and mix stylistically animation with live-action. Read the film review of Tito on Ice.