Annie Awards 2025

Deadline | Event Dates (period)
Los Angeles, CA
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Final submission deadline
Submission/Registration Fee

Event Description: Created in 1972 by veteran voice talent June Foray, who passed away in July at the age of 99, and in whose name the philanthropic June Foray Award was established, the Annie Awards™ have grown in scope and stature for the past four decades. ASIFA-Hollywood is the world’s first and foremost professional organization dedicated to promoting the Art of Animation and celebrating the people who create it. Today, ASIFA-Hollywood, the largest chapter of the international organization ASIFA, supports a range of animation activities and preservation efforts through its membership. Current initiatives include the Animation Archive, Animation Aid Foundation, Animation Educators Forum, animated film preservation, special events, scholarships, and screenings.

2025 Call for Entries 

Entries submitted for consideration must be from productions that were released or aired in the United States or globally between January 1, 2024 and December 31, 2024.*

An exception will be made for animated special projects, short subjects (including VR productions), sponsored productions, and student films that were not released in the United States. These may be considered for an Annie Award, providing they were originally released during the award eligibility period anywhere in the world.

In lieu of being released, student films must have been completed between January 1, 2024 and December 31, 2024. (Please see the specific rules for Category #10 Best Student Award.)

A further exception will be allowed for the Annie Award film festival partners: Annecy International Animation Film Festival, Ottawa International Animation Festival, Animafest Zagreb and Kaboom. Grand Prize winners from these film festivals may submit their winning films in the corresponding Production Categories without incurring entry fees.

Eligibility criteria:

Entries submitted for consideration must be from productions that were released or aired in the United States between January 1, 2023, and December 31, 2023.

An exception will be made for animated special projects, short subjects (including VR productions), sponsored productions, and student films that were not released in the United States. These may be considered for an Annie Award, providing they were originally released during the award eligibility period anywhere in the world.

In lieu of being released, student films must have been completed between January 1, 2023, and December 31, 2023.

A further exception will be allowed for the Annie Award film festival partners: Annecy International Animation Film Festival, Ottawa International Animation Festival, Animafest Zagreb, and Kaboom. Grand Prize winners from these film festivals may submit their winning films in the corresponding Production Categories without incurring entry fees. Submitters who qualify must contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to make arrangements. Other films that qualified for festival consideration but did not take grand prizes may also submit to the Annies without having US distribution, but submission fees will be required.

  • Short Film Regulations

To be eligible to receive this award, an animated short subject must be: (1) a complete film, (2) narrative or experimental, (3) no longer than 44:59:59 minutes in length, and (4) released specifically as a stand-alone project, and not as a part of another longer-form project. Projects longer than 44:59:59 minutes should be submitted in either the Feature, Feature - Independent or Special Project categories; whichever one most appropriately defines the production.

  • Student Film Reuglations

To be eligible to receive this award, the submitted production must be entirely the work of an individual student or team of students from an accredited post-secondary, degree granting program anywhere in the world, and must have been produced between January 1, 2024 and December 31, 2024.

Production crew names are limited to 5 students or less, and of those, a limit of 2 director(s) may be noted. Faculty may advise on the production, but all work, from concept through finished film, must be the work of a student or students. ASIFA-Hollywood does not allow for hands-on involvement by professionals in key positions, including but not limited to: animators, production designers, directors, producers, camera persons, editors, writers, etc.

Exceptions to this rule allow professional actors for voice work, professional composers and musicians for orchestrations, and use of professionally recorded stock music or music in the public domain.

Exceptions to this rule allow professional actors for voice work, professional composers and musicians for orchestrations, and use of professionally recorded stock music or music in the public domain.

  • All regulations
  • Submission portal
  • Deadlines: 26 August at 5 PM PST (early-bird), 30 September at 5 PM PST (standard), 30 October 2024, at 5 PM PST (final) - fees apply

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Event Dates

  • 08/02/2025

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