Louise by the Shore Review: The Windmills of Her Mind

Time is static, but mind keeps constantly moving in J.F.Laguionie's exemplary work on age and memory, Louise en hiver.

Nuts! Review: Our Family and Other Goats

The animation documentary by Penny Lane tells a highly interesting story with honesty and flair, but does not always hit the right notes.

Anomalisa Review: And They Call It Puppet Love

Charlie Kaufman & Duke Johnson sign a perfectly sweet and melancholic essay on identity and love in stop-motion.

The Little Prince Review: How Many Essentials do You Want?

The very crafty French/US co-production of The Little Prince can be a fine film at times, but keeps retelling its message in more ways than Saint d' Exupéry's essential simplicity would permit.

Mune:The Guardian of the Moon Review: 3D is a Many-Splendored Thing

The French feature Mune is a revelation of what 3D computer animation can do with a children's story.

When Marnie Was There Review: Like A Fish Out of Water

The latest offering from Studio Ghibli is sweet and good-natured, but it doesn't match its previous achievements.

Phantom Boy Review: A Boy in New York

A sober detective thriller that quietly subverts the notion of a superhero from the duo of A Cat in Paris.

Inside Out Review: A Person Is Not An Island

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Pixar's Inside Out is ambitious, colourful and flawed.

Battledream Chronicle Review: When Values Defy Firewalls

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The first animated feature from Martinique is an engrossing sci-fi adventure.


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