Quirino Cristiani: the maker of the first animated feature film

The Italian Gabriele Zucchelli and Caravel Animation present a documentary on the mystery of the first (and now extinct) animated feature film, El Apostol, made in Argentina.

The Village by Stelios Polychronakis: Greek Anatomy

A stop-motion film that revisits Greece's urbanism and almost prophetic isolation, The Village by Stelios Polychronakis is an elegy of the human spirit. Watch the film in HD.

Top 5 animated feature films of 2011

 The top 5 animated films of 2011 (and not all of them from the US) by Zippy Frames.

La Tete ailleurs: when heads disappear

Paul Cabon and Canal J à l'Ecole de la Poudrière offer a short tale of talking and disappearing heads. Watch below:

Wrinkles (Arrugas) gets 11 nominations in the Spanish Goyas

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The Spanish film Wrinkles (Arrugas) has secured 11 nomatinations (including one for the best animated film) in 2012 Goya awards.

Dreaming with a normal life by Javier Ara

A short Spanish film by Javier Ara, Dreaming with a normal life, reveals the pain of being different. Watch the short:

Animasyros Openhouse, Athens 17/12

The international animation festival Animasyros welcomes its guests in an all-animation day in Athens, 17/12.

Expotoons awards Where Dogs Die, The Great Bear

The Argentinean feast of Expotoons 2011 ended with the award announcement. See the full list of winners.

Chico & Rita conquers European Film Awards

The Spanish musical melodrama Chico and Rita wins the Animated Feature Film from the European Academy.


Zippy Frames is the premier online animation journal promoting European and Independent Animation animation since 2011

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