Hertzfeldt, My Dad, Boy and the Beast Take Home 2016 Anima Prizes

Oscar-nominated Don Hertzfeldt's World of Tomorrow took home the Anima 2016 Grand Prix. All winners of the Brussels fest.

Berlinale Animation Part II: Berlinale Shorts

Discover the animation shorts that compete for the Golden Bear and the other prizes of the 2016 Berlin Film Festival.

Annecy 2016 Celebrates French Animation, Advertising

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tout-en-haut-du-monde3-520In a clever move that is far from a return to its domestic roots, the 2016 Annecy festival gives prominence to French Animation.

Berlinale Animation Part I: Generation

In our multi-part tribute to the  2016 Berlin Film Festival, discover first the animated shorts competing in the Generation section of this year's festival.

Encounters Festival, 20-25/9/16: Call for entries

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Animation entries are welcome in the 2016 Encounters Festival, Bristol.

Summer 2014, Cosmoetico take home Animateka 2015 awards

All the awards of the 2015 Slovenian animation fest.

Fest Anca, 29/6-3/7: Call for entries

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The 9th edition of Fest Anca International Animation Festival is now open for animation entries.

Rosto Tribute & Exhibition at Animateka

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The Dutch filmmaker and artist has a special tribute and exhibition during Animateka festival,  Ljubljana.

London Int'l Animation Festival 2015: Highlights

Barry Purves, Robert Morgan, Chris Sheperd, Elizabeth Hobbes in the London festival programme.

Raoul Servais

Animafest Honours Raoul Servais

After Michel Ocelot last year, another veteran gets the Lifetime Achievement Award from Zagreb: Raul Servais.

Miss Hokusai, Beach Flags Win at BIAF 2015

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The Korean festival also awarded honors for Schwizgebel's Erlking, Vivement Lundi's Dimitri in Ubuyu.

Anima, Brussels Honors UK, Japan, Presents 2016 Poster

Early highlights of the 35th edition of Anima, Brussels.

The 35th edition of Anima, the international Brussels animation film festival, has been scheduled February 5 to 14, 2016.
The 2016 programme will include a variety of awaited novelties, previously unreleased short films and features for young and less young audiences, initiation workshops for children, training sessions for adolescents, exhibitions on the art of animation, signings as well as encounters and talks with animation filmmakers from all across the globe.
During Futuranima (scheduled February 10 to 13), renowned domestic and international professionals will examine and discuss the latest developments and trends in animation. Focus:sound, storyboard, imagery and more,Work in Progress presentations, Making of sessions and lectures.
Two countries are honoured during Anima’s 2016 edition: the United Kingdom and Japan, two countries incredibly prolific in animation.
 Anima’s 2016 visual has been designed by Dutch visual artist Sue Doeksen She plunges spectators into her sympathetic and uplifting universe with bright colours and simple shapes.  Doeksen, who attended Anima’s 2015 edition, animated a cut-out animation workshop, the result of which was used as VJ-ing during the 2015 Animated Night.The 2016 Anima festival takes place 5-14 February 2016 in Flagey, Brusssels. Part of the festival programme will be presented simultaneously at various cities throughout Flanders and Wallonia.

Its full programme will be available online as of 13 January 2016. 



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