Estonian Animation

A film easy to like and harder to cherish. Review for the stop-motion Estonian feature film, Captain Morten and the Spider Queen.

A lot of anticipation surrounds the upcoming stop-motion Estonian feature film, Captain Morten and the Spider Queen. Watch the trailer.

All the animation winners of the 2017 Animated Dreams Competition during the PÖFF festival in Tallinn.

Giannalberto Bendazzi,  Pedro Rivero, and Janno Põldma will be this year's jury in the Tallinn festival.

How can a bike race become a nightmare. The Estonian Sander Joon presents his no-nonsense Velodrool.

The Swedish-Estonian animation becomes a short film nominee for the European Film Awards at the 73th Venice Film Festival.

The Tallinn festival has a new artistic director, and prepares its November edition with a new SHUT UP Competition.

which was detailed in our articleHe was silmply not re-elected, states Solveig Jahnke, Head of Communications at the Estonian Academy of Arts.

UPDATE 22/6: Students take a stand for Priit Pärn.

The Head of the Animation Department was suddenly dismissed, causing an outrage from students and animation professionals.

Clay motion at its most white: the exquisite story of a girl lost by the Estonian animation director Anu-Laura Tuttelberg.

 The Estonian puppet animator Ülo Pikkov has a new documentary animation short, Empty Space. Read his interview for Zippy Frames.

When Santa got a little drunk.

The esteemed Estonian animation filmmakers  Priit and Olga Pärn and their work will be one of the highlights of the Slovakian fest.

It is a love story, but too rapid. Film review for the Estonian stop-motion film Lisa Limone and Maroc Orange: A Rapid Love Story.


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