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Six New Designs for ITFS Stuttgart International Festival of Animated Film

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The Stuttgart International Festival of Animated Film presents new designs for 2020.

Six naked cartoon animals represent ITFS next year. The design for the 27th Festival edition (5-10 May 2020) is characterised by the new Festival trailer “Caught Naked” created by Studio Seufz in Stuttgart together with Film- und Medienfestival gGmbH.
In short film clips, audiences can witness the charismatic animals in private, all-too-human everyday situations – in front of the wardrobe, in the bathroom, doing sports. These animals are so human that they get embarrassed all of a sudden, feeling caught out – because they are naked, after all. Only “Trixi”, the ITFS Festival mascot is unimpressed, sitting in her cinema seat, slurping lemonade and waiting for the Festival of Animated Film to start.

The professional animators from Studio Seufz have created the concept for “Caught Naked” and are producing the trailer for a February 2020 launch. “The style is very minimalist and focused on the characters; there are barely any backgrounds or other distracting elements. We try to stand out and impress with obsessive minimalism and mystic absurdity”, directors Anselm Pyta and Benedikt Hummel explain. The different characters (fox, duck, horse “Trixi”, penguin, sheep, and frog) will adorn posters and print materials, the website and any further communication media of the 27th ITFS – and so be “caught naked” by fans everywhere.

In addition to the new design for 2020, the Festival will be represented by the revised wordmark. The four distinctive letters and the silhouette of farm horse Trixi, the Festival mascot establish a significant style for external communication, to be used year-round as of now. “The new wordmark is simple and catchy, for the first time we focus on the abbreviation ‘ITFS’ which has become well established in Germany and internationally”, says Prof. Ulrich Wegenast, Managing Director of ITFS. The colour of the bar matches each year’s different colour scheme, thus underlining the respective Festival design. The wordmark was developed by agency in Stuttgart.

In 2019, around 80.000 visitors came to Stuttgart to see around 1,000 films at the Open-Air cinema and in the Stuttgart Innenstadtkinos. FMX takes place alongside ITFS. Together with ITFS, FMX as Europe’s largest conference of animation, effects, games and immersive media organises the business platform Animation Production Days, Germany’s only co-production and financing market specializing in animation projects. The 27th ITFS takes place from May 05 to 10, 2020.

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