2D animation
A charming film with two children in the forest, created by Rohana Mentz and Laura Müller. Watch the film.
A combination of lyrical live-action with stop-motion animation in Eric Leiser's If I was. Watch the music video.
The filmmaker Gemma Atkinson narrates her adventure when filming British Police officers. Watch Act of Terror.
Imagine how a completely serious and grave situation can go derailed by an improvising jazz band. Watch Jazz that nobody asked for.
It could have been sugary, but is also sweet. Watch the black-and-white short melodrama of Daniela Sherer, He was a sweet man.
It's not the end of the world, just the end of the year! Watch the poignant and funny Man by Steve Cutts.
A group of students from the French Gobelins School of Image have made this sweet and psychologically relevant film about timidity.
The mystery of the void, and the fear of the unknown. Watch the evocative short film I'm not sure quite what it was.
The Irish animator Eamonn O'Neill presents an intriguing portrait of a person in distress. Watch I'm Fine Thanks.