Apocalypsis by Eric Leiser: Revelation Is More Serene Than It Sounds

Review for the new experimental animation feature Apocalypsis by US director Eric Leiser.

Birdboy: The Forgotten Children (Psiconautas) Review: Beware of Children in Distress

When Kronenberg met The Fantastic Planet. Film review for the Spanish animation feature Birdboy:The Forgotten Children.

Ethel and Ernest Review: A Love Shelter Below The Rooftops of London

Ethel and Ernest feels unashamedly nostalgic, carefully researched and with a heart.

The Big Bad Fox And Other Tales Review: That's What Friends (and Enemies) Are For

Benjamin Renner and Patrick Imbert play with fairytale conventions in a definitely funny, episodic animal story.

Tehran Taboo Review: Not In Persepolis Anymore

Ali Soozandeh's rotoscoped Iranian drama about the lives of 4 people in modern-day Tehran hits all the right notes in character development within a glib portrait of internalized, strict moral codes.

Loving Vincent Review: Neoclassical Painting Mystery

The new painted feature on Vincent Van Gogh is carefully crafted and timid at the same time. 

My Dogs, JinJin & Akida Film Review: This Is Not A Dog's Life

A feature film about kids and dogs, without ordinary kids and dogs.

25 April Film Review: Stuff of Manhood

The 1915 disastrous Gallipoli campaign becomes an animated 3D/2D documentary, produced entirely in New Zealand.

Cafard Review: Capturing Humanism

Jan Bultheel's feature film Cafard presents a sweeping, adamantly old-fashioned story of a distraught Belgian world champion boxer during WWI.


Zippy Frames is the premier online animation journal promoting European and Independent Animation animation since 2011

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